Monday, May 23, 2011

Potter Tossed Out of Hospital

Newark, Del. – Citing a breakdown in operations throughout the hospital, the Christiania Care Health system, announced it had sent one of its cancer patients home today in hopes of getting things back to normal.
“Having Bill Potter here was wonderful,” one administrator said on the condition of anonymity. “But he is just so damn smart and funny. It’s hard to get people back on track once they meet him.”
Potter, suffering from Burkitt’s Lymphoma, was released from the hospital at mid-day and is said to be resting comfortably in his Newark home.
“I never really meant any harm,” he said. “I was just chatting, joking, and helping the nurses and doctors with some of their casework.”
Although it turns out that Potter’s medical insights were superb, and his jokes better, the hospital just couldn’t have work come to a crawl waiting for his insight.
“It’s like having a superman among you,” said the same administrator. “With a resource like him, you tend want him to give everything a second approval.
“He wasn’t going to be here checking our work forever, so we had to make the move before he became too much of a crutch.”
Potter is expected back at the hospital in a couple of weeks for a second round of chemotherapy. Hospital administrators are considering brining him back in disguise of under the cover of darkness to avoid disruption.
In the interim, Bill can be reached at home at 302-738-3418 or at

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep your sense of humor Bill! Excellent article - they have no idea who they're dealing with (my husband's favorite expression, as you probably know : )
