Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Appointments and walking

Hey Guys:

Well, slow and steady win the race as Aesop said (or at least implied). I’m just plugging along. No great shakes to report today.

Recovering from chemo lacks the drama of being in the hospital for the host of things I was in for over the past six months, but that’s kind of how it goes I guess.

Funny thing though, I kind of miss going to all those appointments. I bet some people get really freaked out when all of a sudden they don’t have to go to the doctor, or get chemo, or get rushed to the hospital for some side effect or other. I can see where it could become addicting in its own way. I bet that Munchhausen by Proxy thing is kind of like that. Being the center of attention and people being forced to listen to what you say – no matter how stupid – could really be its own salve when dealing with cancer or some other high mortality disease.

Now me – I hate being the center of attention. I think I’ve demonstrated that over and over again – I’d just as soon be out of the spotlight as in it. Why I’d no more put myself out there by writing a blog or – never mind.

Speaking of appointments, I go for my PET/CT scan on 16 NOV at 0800 to confirm the cancer is gone. Then I go to what might be one of my final appointments on 23 NOV. If that scan comes back with any cancer on it I don’t know what I’d do. How’s that for a little early morning paranoia?

Walked a new world record yesterday. I went around the block, but this time I made my block a little bigger by going to the second left, which is Hawthorne St., instead of the first left, which is Elm St. By going to Hawthorne I add maybe 150 meters to my walk.

I guess that’s it – oh wait! NO! There’s one more thing. Never mind I’ll write about it tomorrow.

I guess that’s it.

Love to all,


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