Friday, June 10, 2011

10 June 2011 Never go to hospitals to rest. It’s just not what they’re there for.

It was a long night.

The chemotherapy medications I am taking have to be arrayed in a certain order and spaced in precise time increments from each other. This, of course necessitates a mission first, sleep later attitude.

So last night at about 11 pm I finished the big block of chemo -- methotextrate, which is the big Kahuna cell killer of this second go round. At about 1145 or so, the supporting cast of new cell killing and cell repairing drugs, which I either can’t or won’t list, were lined up and we began pumping them into me. Some had to go in immediately, some at midnight, some at 2 a.m. And on it goes. In fact it will go on like this for the next couple of days. I’m hoping to escape Tuesday

So I didn’t get much sleep last night and probably won’t tonight either.

Other than a little tiredness and an omnipresent upset stomach, I feel okay. Research I’ve done suggests that there is a 50/50 split of opinion about whether block one is easier than block two. Block two is potentially more dangerous than one due to sever side effects of methotextrate, but driving on I 95 is probably still more dangerous.

My biggest irritant of the night was that my Hershey bar melted and re-hardened leaving it all yucky and crumbly. If that weren’t bad enough, I didn’t have any $1 bills for the vending machine. I eventually was able to salvage a snack pack of Lorna Doone butter cookies out of the bottom of my shaving kit. I guess the appetite’s okay huh?

If there is any upside to this is I weigh 225 and can’t seem to gain an ounce. I’ve actually dropped about 30 pounds since April.

I was telling my friend Sher that in April I bought one of those Wii fitness programs and plugged in my goal for the summer (25 pounds). Last week I hopped on the Wii to weigh myself and the TV screen showered my avatar with flowers and cheers for being so dedicated and reaching my goal weight early. So there is that. In full disclosure I must add according Wii my max weight at 6’1” is like 180, so I am down from obese to overweight. I haven’t that little since basic training and I had pneumonia then.

I guess that’s it for now.



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