Monday, August 29, 2011

survived the hurricane

Good morning everyone:

We all survived the big hurricane. Well if you’re not reading this, than maybe you didn’t. Anyway I’m kind of in an incongruent mood today. Actually it’s more of a “things that make you go hmmm” kind of mood.

First a sign in the chemo ward. Hidden in plain sight at Christiana Hospital cancer ward is a little wooden plaque with one of those blue pieces of metal strips on it with this inscription, “We may not always cure; but we can always care.”

Huh? What the fudge? We may not always cure? I need to get to a hospital with a better sign. That’s like saying, “Geez we really tried that time, but oh well … shit … at least we cared.” I want a sign on the wall that says something like … I don’t know … “We will cure you or die in the attempt with you.” “We will cure you or all these doctors get fired and your survivors get a full refund.” Something a little more committed and substantive would be better.

Second – Glen Hurricane Schwartz. Watching most of the local hurricane coverage was like watching a telethon gone bad. One of our Philadelphia stations has a meteorologist named Glen “Hurricane” Schwartz. Now one would think a guy who moniker was “hurricane” would be up for a major hurricane disaster. Well at first it seemed like he was, and then all of a sudden it got really strange.

To be fair I’m not sure how long he had been up broadcasting when I saw him the other morning, but when I saw him he had been reduced to reading graphics off the TV screen – you know wind speed, barometric pressure, temperature, and the like. It was really bizarre. Then he went on this rant about water saturation.
“Weatherman in Florida are laughing at us,” he said. “Why are you so worried about category one hurricane they ask me? Well, they don’t know how much water we already have in the ground. I’ve gotten calls from Louisiana, they’re laughing too. They just don’t understand how much rain we’ve already had this month.”

I didn’t see him on TV again for the entire hurricane. 

I kind of felt like Woody Allen in Annie Hall when Christopher Walken is extolling the virtues of driving headlong into oncoming traffic and Wood Allen says, “That’s all very interesting, but I’m due back on Earth.”

Well it’s 0540 and have a 0920 doctor appointment, so this’ll have to do.



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