Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Good Morning Campers:

My sister was worried when I didn’t write yesterday. She was thinking that I must’ve been really depressed, or I’d never miss a day of writing to you. Well um, er, ah … ah that’s the ticket, sure -- only that’s not what happened. I have a confession to make – I cheated on you. That’s right. I’m not proud of it, but it happened. I was philandering with my keyboard – I wrote something for somebody else during time I usually reserve for us.

It’s shameful but true.

I was just sitting up in my hospital bed, cracking my knuckles and getting ready to write something profound when one of the nurses runs into my room, slams the door behind her and runs toward my bed. She grabs my hand, pulls it to her cheek, and begins using it to wipe the still fresh tears from her cheek.
“Mr. Potter,” she says. “Thank the Lord above you are still here. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need your help.”
“No need to worry little lady,” I tell her. “I reckon you’re safe with me.”
“Do you really think so? I’ve tried so hard by myself and others have tried to help, but sometimes it takes someone like you to help.”
“It’s always been my curse,” I tell her.
“Some men are truly burdened compared to others,” she says.
“To whom much is given, much is expected.”
She steps back never releasing my hand and places a purple Post-It Note in its palm still wet with her tears. And as she does, I remember the night she stayed by my side when others had moved on to other patients. No matter the danger she can count on me.
“I know it’s a lot to ask,” she says.
“Nothing is a lot to ask for you.”
“Well, I have these six philosophy questions due tonight and I was at the beach all weekend and I was hoping you could help me before I leave today.
 “Little Lady, you came to the right hombre. We’ll remind this lowdown-bushwhacking teacher of yours that Governments derive their  ‘just powers by the consent of the governed,’ and the establishment of a law reflects the social compact between the citizens of a republic and its laws.”

Well it kind of happened that way. The point is I cheated on you, but for a good cause. I’ll write more tomorrow.


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