Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day, my Chemo 13 Posse:

It’s very early – only about 0409. This will hopefully be the last of the Decadrcon get up early days. I’m just not sleeping through the night at the moment. God and my typing is terrible; this is taking a long time just to get the paragraph composed.

A special shout out and thanks to Chemo 13 gang member Kathy Thomas, her husband, and her two dogs. They were able to come up with a bunch of old fashioned barbells – including two 25 lbs plates – which will keep me out of trouble for at least the next six months or so.

It was weird picking up the weights from the Thomas's Sunday. As I mentioned earlier, when this all started last April, I had been working out steadily for about a year at two gyms and benching about 320 and had begun doing power cleans for general cardiac health. Reaching down and picking up two 45 plates and throwing them in unison on a bar, or toting them across the gym for who knows what, was no big deal. But yesterday … Fudgesicles man … I bent over to pick up a single 25 and it felt like I was trying to lift a Volkswagen. I carried it to my car – my wife and Kate were watching – with gritted teeth and gently placed it in the hatchback.

Now as I get to within three treatments to the end, I am just now beginning to realize an inkling of the toll this whole cancer journey has left on my body. I have a lot of work to do. I am very excited to have this to deal with. It is going to be a blast.

Remember, what Thomas Paine said, "What we achieve to easily, we esteem to lightly."

Well, that’s it for now. Talk to you all soon.

Please don’t kick sand in my face,

Love to all,


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