Well my mailman and I are the only Dallas Cowboys fans in this Eagle infested area so I can’t expect much sympathy today after the Eagles smooshed the hapless Cowboys last night. 34-7. It might well have been 3400 – 7 had time not run out.
Oh well. Poop.
I was able to establish a new world record yesterday after completing a walk around the block. That’s right all the way around the block. I am very pleased. My legs were a bit achy and my toes were still tingly, but even so I made it around the block. Baby steps!!
I’m hoping the leg aches and the tingling go away with time, but if they don’t, well I guess that’s one of those irreversible side effects I’m stuck with. We’ll see. I’m hoping the next few months will tell the tale. The insomnia is easing a little, but I still have very little stamina.
Okay, my bald scarred head is turning into a bunch of super soft peach fuzz. I may be dangerously cute now – well at least the top of my head might be.
This should be a pretty easy week for me as far as appointments go – I don’t have any. I do have some tasks to complete and goals to reach.
- 1. Call my health insurer and fight with them over a bill they denied
- 2. Call my oncologist to set up my PET/CT can, ask him if really I need to be taking all the pills he has me on if I am longer taking chemo
- 3. Go to the office and see Gwen, Julia, Mo, Karen, Lyn, Barb, and the rest of the gang
- 4. Call Chuck and see if he wants to go to breakfast with the seniors at the Perkins. It’s nice to go because I am the youngest person there and in the best shape – except for that damned 80-year-old marathon runner – he’s healthy, but makes me sick! The first time I went to Perkins on weekday for breakfast I thought there was a holiday nobody told me about because the joint was packed with seniors.
- 5. Walk around the block plus a little more.
- 6. Find those darn instructions for the resistance bands and then try using them.
Talk to you guys later.