Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let the baby steps begin

Good Morning Chemo 13

I’ve got this darn cold that’s kicking my heiney a bit. It’s actually more of a cough than anything else. It’s pretty persistent, but I got some of that Robison cough medicine yesterday and I think I have it on the run.

Tough neuropathy day yesterday. I couldn’t get my legs and hands to work quite right, but I guess that they worked at all is a blessing. Sometimes my legs have this plodding quality that makes walking, not painful, but achy. If I were on the “Walking Dead” I be shot as a Zombie. Or better yet I sometimes look like Kramer on Seinfeld when he buys those jeans that are too tight.

I know it’s gonna be a tough day if I can’t wiggle the toes on my left foot. Like today, I can scrunch my toes, but I can’t wiggle them – these are highly technical medical terms I hope you all understand. I’m putting together a companion dictionary for this blog to explain many of these lesser know terms such as “sammi” (short for sandwich) and “this sucks” (this either means hospital food has arrived, or something unpleasant is occurring).

I drift.

Starting Monday I’m going to attempt to get on the stretching bandwagon and take some time to seriously stretch my atrophied muscles and see if that helps. Then here’s what I’m think I’ll do to start the physical fitness piece of this recovery thing.

1.     Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
a.     Stretch my body out using some beginner yoga moves and some stretches I’ve learned over the years
b.     Ride the recumbent bike for 30 to 40 minutes. Once I regain some strength, lose some neuropathy, and improve my endurance I’ll begin adding some short attempts at running to this plan.
c.     Go puke (just kidding not really)!
d.     Stretch my calves, hamstrings, and quads
e.     Putter about the house
f.      Go to a horizontal consult with my staff of puppies and teddy bears.
g.     Walk the puppies a little farther than the day before.
2.     Tuesday, Thursday
a.     Stretch my body out using some beginner yoga moves and some stretches I’ve learned over the years
b.     Workout
                                                        i.     Initially I am looking at using resistance bands
                                                      ii.     Once I feel it is safe, I plan to use free weights and initially do the basic exercises (Bench Press, Shoulder Press, of course I have to do curls, bent rows, and lunges). After 30 to 60 days when I feel stronger, I’ll move to more advanced weight exercise such as flies and lateral raises.
c.     Go puke (just kidding not really)!
d.     Go to a horizontal consult with my staff of puppies and teddy bears
e.     Putter about the house.
f.      Walk the dogs a little farther than the day before
3.     Saturday and Sunday
a.     Special activities such as yard selling, picnics, naps, walking with Kate holding hands, and smooching.

I guess that’s it for now. We’ll see how this plan works. With any luck it’ll help me get up and running faster than sitting around the house. It's all about mitigating side effects at this point, so we'll see. 



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