Friday, July 8, 2011

Exercise recovery

Exercise recovery
Friday, July 8, 2011

It of course goes without saying that I appreciate each of you. I just thought I’d throw that out there in case you have doubts.

My first two days of increased structured exercise turned out okay. Yesterday I went for a bike ride that lasted about 20 minutes and it kicked my ass. I’m not talking a little fatigue; I’m talking gut-busting, punch ya in the nose depletion. It was wonderful.  You know how when you first get off a bike after not riding for a while, you’re a little wobbly? When I got home from my Tour de Bill’s Neighborhood, I wobbled into the back yard, threw my brain bucket off (aka helmet), and set my big fat Irish ass under the huge shade trees praying for death to take me.  

Bathed in sweat and thinking, this is pretty stupid, I began some abdomen and leg stretches.  Though I initially felt as though I had eaten bad watermelon (those of you that’ve done it, know how miserable a bad melon make ya), I recovered fairly quickly.

Eventually my dog Pearl came out to investigate because having a 225-pound almost lifeless body sitting in her backyard is somewhat of a novelty for her. She came over sniffed me and flipped over on her back looking for a belly rub. I could’ve used one too. She got hers and I’m still waiting.

I eventually recovered, peeled myself off the backyard grass, and waddled into the house for a shower. After the shower I felt something I had not felt in some time – the beginning of a little muscle tone. Not much, but enough to let me know I’m on the right track.

I have to go to chemo today at the Graham Center. Nothing out of the ordinary; a little methtrexate, a little Rituxan, a little Demerol, and a little slurred speech for a couple of hours.

See you guys tomorrow.


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