Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yes I am a happy camper

Good morning everyone:

Yes I am a happy camper. In fact I am gloating. I know it’s bad luck, but I am gloating nonetheless. Getting a good punch in at this cancer really has done a lot for my vibe. I am spectacular – not only that, this cancer probably won’t kill me for another 25 or 30 years (it probably will someday, but that’s cool).

Those of you who enjoy dance would be appalled right now: I am dancing in my underwear -- a sight that usually blinds my wife temporarily.

Kate and I were talking last night and if this treatment continues to do its job and I get side effects and be miserable for the next few months – so what? I can do a few months of puking, diarrhea, insomnia, and all the other chemo crap standing on my head because I already know the final outcome. It’s like the Americans entering WWI – The central power screwed when Americans showed up. Ludendorff should’ve just quit while he was ahead – Allied victory was a done deal; the allies just had to fight the war to bring it to the inevitable conclusion.

I’m pretty sure that’ how this is going to be as long as I don’t anything stupid, or something pops up I have not anticipated.

Speaking of chemo things I haven’t anticipated. I am still at home waiting for my platelets to recover before I can begin block four. I am supposed to get blood work Thursday to ensure my blood is good enough for chemo. If it is, it’s off to Christiana Care for four to five days of relaxing drip, drip, drip.

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